San Diego County Park and Recreation DepartmentOpen Space Preserves
Our MissionThe Open Space Management and Park Program Services Division manages open space preserves, including their natural and cultural resources, with protection as a first priority, while providing opportunities for positive environmental education and outdoor recreational experiences for the citizens of San Diego County. Park program services are provided that are consistently of the highest quality and that build advocacy and support for, and public awareness of, parks and open space preserves. The division provides unique opportunities for youth to experience open space preserves and parks and to learn about the natural and cultural history of the region.
Preserves of San Diego CountyWildlife preserves have been established for the main purposed to protect land, ensuring the survival of wildlife, rare and endangered species, and the natural communities that support them. Preserves are places to create a natural area for educational recreational benefits. There are 13 wildlife preserves located within the County of San Diego.
San Diego County
List of Preserves: 1-Wilderness Gardens 2-Hellhole Canyon 3-Volcan Mountain 4-Mt. Gower 5-Blue Sky 7-Los Penasquitos 9-Goodan Ranch 10-Oak Oasis 11-El Capitan 12-Mission Trails 13-South Bay
• Created by:
Maider Veschembes & Amy Slater