You will find a multitude of different plant and animal habitats within the preserve. Vegetation within Sycamore Canyon Preserve consists mainly of coastal sage scrub and chaparral. Chaparral is a vegetation community composed of hard stemmed, leathery leaved shrubs. Species within this habitat include manzanita, a plant with smooth red bark; scrub oak species; chamise; and other species of Ceanothus, which are sometimes referred to as wild lilac with blue and white flowers. Other habitats are also found within the preserve include oak woodlands, ripirian, and native grasslands. Common in the area is also California sagebrush, buckwheat, chamise, lilac, manzanita, lemonberry, coast live oak, sycamores, arroyo willow, and various native grasses.
Among some of the wildlife you may encounter here at the Sycamore Preserve are the mule deer, coyote, bobcat, and rattlesnakes. You may also spot such birds as the California gnatcatcher, Hutton's vireos, and scrub jays. Chaparral is home to a wide variety of birds including the spotted towhee, Wrentit, black chinned sparrow, and California thrasher. A number of reptiles also inhabit this community including the Western whiptail lizard, Granite spiny lizard, San Diego Horned lizard and Pacific rattlesnake.
Created by:
Maider Veschembes & Amy Slater