Waste Watchers

Student Profiles

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Jason Thacker, Graduation Dec. 2001, Geography Department, Methods of Geographical Analysis.  

Contact: ljthack@earthlink.net


Jason Castaneda, Geography Department, concentration in Methods of Geographical Analysis.

Contact: castaned@rohan.sdsu.edu


Brian Weller, Graduate Student with an emphasis in Environmental Policy. 

Thesis Proposal: The Hydrological Effects of Urbanization on the Flora and Fauna of Los Penasquitos Lagoon, Del Mar, CA.

Contact: weller@rohan.sdsu.edu

Carina Garret, Department of Geography Graduate Student. Research: sustainable growth in urban transportation.


Contact: cgarret@aznet.net


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Copyright © 2001 Waste Watchers (Geography 596 Group Project)
Last modified: May 17, 2001