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For more information about environmental health issues, please click on one of the links provided below.


General Information

California regulatory agencies and information - California state agencies; jurisdictional responsibility, requirements, contacts.

Environmental Protection Agency - is the United States government agency with responsibility for protection of the environment. 

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) - is a leading content provider for public interest groups and concerned citizens who are campaigning to protect the environment.

Right-to-Know Network - The Right-to-Know Network provides free access to numerous databases and text files that allow  you to identify specific factories and their environmental effects.


Water Quality

American Oceans Campaign  - is an oceans advocacy non-profit organization which focuses on water/beach quality, fisheries and fish habitat, and marine sanctuaries.

Heal the Bay  - is a non-profit environmental group dedicated to making Santa Monica Bay and Southern California coastal waters safe and healthy again for people and marine life.

Surfrider Foundation - is a non-profit environmental group that is dedicated to the preservation of the worlds oceans.


Air Quality

AirHead.org - is a website dedicated to the education of citizens about the perils of air pollution.

The Clean Air Network  - is a  broad alliance of local, state and national organizations committed to working for air quality that promotes good health and preserves the environment.


Toxic Substances

Environmental Health CoalitionAgency fighting toxic pollution, protecting public health, and promoting environmental justice.

EPA Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics (OPPT) - provides information about programs and initiatives focusing on pollution prevention in the United States.

HazDat Database - Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry's Hazardous Substance Release/Health Effects Database.

Military Toxics Project - The mission of the Military Toxics project is to unite activists, organizations and communities in the struggle to clean up military pollution.

State Pesticide Regulatory Agencies - Individuals applying pesticides must do so in a manner not only consistent with federal laws, but also consistent with state laws and regulations, which differ from state to state. 

Toxics & Waste Links - A collection of toxics and waste links organized by the Institute for Global Communication (IGC)


Health Issues

Health Links - The focus of this link is predominantly on environmental, human rights, social and economic justice, and policy issues related to health.

On-line Medical Dictionary - Provides information on various physical or mental health concerns. 


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Copyright © 2001 Waste Watchers (Geography 596 Group Project)
Last modified: May 17, 2001