Waste Watchers

Map Services

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The following maps display hazardous material sites in San Diego County.

Please choose the viewer most suited to your particular computer.

NOTE: The Viewers open in separate windows.

ZOOM IN to display hazardous material sites.

  HTML Script Interactive Viewer


 Java Script Interactive Viewer


The HTML Viewer:

Supports a variety of browsers.

Does not require plug-ins.

Offers less client side processing.

Only allows viewing and querying.

The Java Viewer:

Requires plug-in.

Requires client machines large enough to handle local processing.

Functionality allows for extensive user interaction and analysis of the map.

Feature Server - Java Viewer

Paradise Creek Drainage Basin, National City, CA



Map Credits



Environmental Health Coalition

San Diego County Department of Environmental Health

SDSU CESAR Lab Arc Library

National City Engineering Department




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Copyright © 2001 Waste Watchers (Geography 596 Group Project)
Last modified: May 17, 2001