GEOG 581: Cartography Design


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Flash Animation

(10 points:)

First of all, create a "Lab-08" folder in your Z: g581-## root directory.  (if you already create lab-08 folder from last week, rename the old folder to lab-07 first, then create a new one for lab-08).

Then copy the Z: data/Flash folder into the lab-08 folder.

Open the Flash 5 program from Start --> Programs -->  Marcomedia --> Flash 5  --> Flash 5

Press [OK] for the error message, then [OK] again when the flash program window pop-up.

 Select [File] menu -->  Open --> navigate to Z: g581-##\lab-08\Flash\Lessions\ select 01-Introduction.

Read the introduction, then  [File] --> [Open]  02 Drawnig.fla.  Start the Lesson of Flash for drawing.

Please complete all the lesson from 01 Introduction  to 08.  Animation.


When you finish the learning of Flash 5. Now please design  a simple Flash animation and save as yourlastname-lab8.fla into the lab-08 folder.  Use the Little CESAR printer to print it out. (make sure to put your name on the animation.

We will ask you to show your Flash animation to the classroom next week.


Please use on-line forum to answer the following questions (5 points)



Please use web search engine to find  a new map animation example and introduce the application.  Provide the URL, and define the type of animation (time series, re-expression, or fly-by) and visual variables (duration, rate of change, order, display date, frequency, and synchronization -- if applicable) adopted in your animation example.




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