GEOG 581: Cartography Design


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Flash-2  (Put everything together)

(10 points)

Before we start this lab, first create a "lab-09" folder in your Z:  g581-## folder.

The next thing to do is to open the flash animation you did last week and customize it with more visual effects.  Make sure you add both the "regular frames" animation and the "tweened frames" animation.  (Also, think about what's the difference between the "frame" and "keyframe" in Flash?)



After you finish, test the move by select [Control --> [Test Movie]

You may want to modify your Flash animation until you like it.

The next step is to export the move into a Web-based movie format.  To do so, select [File] --> [Export Movie],

Save your new Flash animation as "lab-09-yourlastname.swf"

Now we want to put this Flash animation into your own website (created in lab-7)

Open the DreamWeaver first. ( You may need to re-define your tutorial website to the correct path).


Open the "index.htm" page in Dreamweaver.

Replace the original Flash animation with your new animation.  You may be asked to copy the Flash from outside folder into the Dreamweaver folder, Click yes to continue.


Now try to modify this Home page to more fit into your personal web page.

When you  finish the modification, Upload the webpage into your own student website:


Now you can check out your new Web Page.

Print out a paper copy of your new home page and submit to the instructor.

Close the Dreamweaver when you finish this lab.


Flash Animation Examples:




Now try to work with your group project......

Group Project Http://


Please use on-line forum to answer the following questions (5 points)



What are the differences between "tweened" animation and regular animation in Flash? Which one is better for Web-based animation and WHY?



What are the differences between Java applet animation, Flash animation, and Animated GIF Images? (Use the Web Search for your answers).

( Java and GIF )


What is "Semantic Web"?  What kinds of impacts will this new direction have for the Web-based Mapping and the GIS community?





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