GEO 596 Internet Mapping and Distributed GIServices
LAB 11: Virtual Reality and Visualization
Created by Dr. Ming-Hsiang Tsou,
Department of Geography, San Diego State University
5 points
1. Go to the Web3D example website:
Pick up two examples and try to use them for 5 minutes. Write down your experiences with the examples and what features you like and don't like.
2. Online Virtual Reality Experiences: Go to the Second life website:
Create a "FREE" account for yourself. Download and install the client software on your own computer or lab machine. Try the experiences for 10 minutes and learn how to "fly" and "land" your avatar using keyboard.
Leaflet Tutorial Part Three: Optional (No Points. Do this exercise by yourself).
Copy the " Leaflet_Tutorial-Part-Three.pdf" in the Y: drive into your Z: Drive.
Open the PDF document and Follow up the Instruction. (No need to turn in this optional exercise for the lab grades).
What to turn in
Now, write down your answers on the on-line forum (5 points). And PRINT OUT a COPY to the Instructor.
1. What are the two examples you selected for the Web3D examples? write down their URLs and key features you like and don't like.
2. What are the differences between "Virtual Reality" and "3D representation"?
3. What are the differences between the two user interfaces for Virtual Reality (Wed 3D versus Second Life)? Which one do you prefer? WHY?
4. What kinds of Cartographic or GIS applications could be applied in the Web 3D or Second Life ? (Examples, census data, housing value, weather information.). What are the advantages and disadvantages using 3D or virtual reality for mapping geographic data?