This course introduces current development of Internet mapping and
advanced cartographic skills in web-based maps.
By using web-authoring tools (Microsoft Expression Web), Virtual
Globes (Google Earth and ArcGIS Explorer), open source tools (Leaflet,
GeoJSON, R) and Internet Map servers (ESRI ArcGIS Online, ESRI Story
Map, and MapBox APIs), students can learn both the techniques of
Internet mapping and the principles of web-based cartography, including
multimedia, animation, 3D visualization, and user interface design.
The lectures will focus on the theories and principles behind the
Internet mapping, including distributed component technologies, graphic
designs, and network communications.
The lab exercises will focus on the practical applications and
Web design skills for Internet mapping services.
GEO 380 or GEO381 or GEO484 or Web design experiences.
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in Blackboard:
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(This Website is redesigned for Spring 2018 Semester).