GEOG 581: Cartography Design


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The Map Design Process (30 points total)

(page. 220).

1. Determine how the map will be reproduced.

2. Select a scale and map projection that is appropriate for the map's theme.

3. Determine the most appropriate methods for data symbolization and classification.

4. Select which map elements to employ, and decide how each will be implemented.

5. Establish a ranking of symbols and map elements according to their relative importance. (This ranking is referred to as an intellectual hierarchy).

6. Create one or more sketch map or a thumbnail sketch.

7. Construct the map in your chosen software application.  Print rough drafts first... then refine the map design.

8. If possible, allow members of the intended audience to evaluate the map's effectiveness.


( Read more information from Slocum's textbook from page 220-227 about Visual Hierarchy, Figure-Ground, and Balance.)

GIS Data source:  gis_database.htm (Free to use any GIS sources).


The lab exercise is to create an E-size map (or poster) by using a large color ink jet printer at the SAL lab.


You can use ArcMap or export your maps into Freehand to print it out.


Due days:

bulletOctober 14 at 2:00pm:  submit your sketch maps (5 points) (hand drawing or use laser printer).
bulletOctober 28 at 12:30pm: Final printout map or poster (E size -- 20 points) along with a PDF e-map on your folder.  We will show your maps on the wall of the R.W. SAL lab and discuss them together.

(Next week: Group project forming and select teams).


NOTICE:  Each student can only allow to print ONE E-size map on the Color Ink Jet Printer.  So, make sure you print out a rough draft first on a laser printer and double check your spellings and design before printing.

If you really really need to print out your map second time, please contact the instructor for permission.

The printer is located next to the "SILT" workstation.  The following instructions will show you how to print out your maps from the ArcMap or Freehand.


Printing Size:

ISO Paper Size:

A0,A1 technical drawings, posters
A1,A2 flip charts
A2,A3 drawings, diagrams, large tables
A4 letters, magazines, forms, catalogs, laser printer and copying machine output
A5 note pads
A6 postcards
B5,A5,B6,A6 books
C4,C5,C6 envelopes for A4 letters: unfolded (C4), folded once (C5), folded twice (C6)
B4,A3 newspapers, supported by most copying machines in addition to A4
B8,A8 playing cards

US Paper Sizes:

Name Size (inches) Size (mm)
Quarto 10 נ8 254.0 נ203.2
Foolscap 13 נ8 330.2 נ203.2
Letter 8.5 נ11 215.9 נ279.4
Legal 8.5 נ14 215.9 נ355.6
Ledger / Tabloid 11 נ17 279.4 נ431.8
Executive 7.25 נ10.5 184.15 נ266.7
Post 15.5 נ19.25 393.7 נ488.95
Crown 15 נ20 381.0 נ508.0
Large post 16.5 נ21 419.1 נ533.4
Demy 17.5 נ22.5 444.5 נ571.5
Medium 18 נ23 457.2 נ584.2
Royal 20 נ25 508.0 נ635.0
Elephant 23 נ28 584.2 נ711.2
Double Demy 23.5 נ35 596.9 נ889.0
Quad Demy 35 נ45 889.0 נ1143.0
A 8.5 נ11 215.9 נ279.4
B 11 נ17 279.4 נ431.8
C 17 נ22 431.8 נ558.8
D 22 נ34 558.8 נ863.6
E 34 נ44 863.6 נ1117.6

E size:  34 inches x 44 inches

(In Freehand Document setting: units: 863 x 1117 mm)

Connect to the plotter.

1. Open the [Start] menu --> Setting --> printers

2. Select "Add printer" on the top --> click [Next]

3. select "Network Printer" --> [Next]

4.  Select "Type printer....."  --> Next]

5. Select Geography network --> SILT --> [CCP-Techjet....]

6. Next  --> Next ---> Finishes.


Prepare your ArcMap

0. create a lab-05 folder in your Z: drive.

1. open the ArcMap. select a NEW empty map.

2. select File Menu --> Page and Printing Set up.... -

3. Select the E size sheet from the paper Source. and check out the BOX [Use Printer Page setting], click OK.

4. Now switch to Layout View in your ArcMap.  The layout size has been changed to E size (34 X 44).

5. Finish your map designs and save it into your Z:\g581-##\lab-05 folder.

6. After you finish the design, exit the ArcMap.



Printing Map from the SILT workstation.

1.  The next step is to login the SILT workstation by using your class account.

2. Launch the ArcMap and open your lab-05.mxd.

3. Double check the setting of printers and page size (make sure it is E size).

4. Print out your map.


Second Map Pringing Software (Freehand)  (Optional choice)


You can also import your map into Freehand to design a unique post.

The following is the step to set up the size of Canvas in Freehand:


1.  Change the units of canvas to "Inches" (at the bottom of window)

2. Open the Document panel, change the size to 48x34 (inches)

3. make sure the printer setting also with E size


4. you can also "preview" the printing and make sure the size is correct.

 5. Print out your map...  (due day:


Also, export your map into a PDF file as "lab-05-yourlastname.PDF" inside your Z: folder.

bulletOctober 14 at 2:00pm:  submit your sketch maps (hand drawing or use laser printer).
bulletOctober 28 at 2:00pm: Final printout map or poster (E size).  We will show your maps on the wall of the R.W. SAL lab and discuss them together.

Please use on-line forum to answer the following questions (5 points) (due day: next week Oct. 14)



Explain what is "visual hierarchy" and use your "sketch map" to describe how many levels in your map.  Which map element is the most important one? which one is the least important one? WHY?


The color inkject printer in the lab is Calcomp (CCP) TechJet Color 5336.  Please write a paragraph to introduce the specification of this printer (resolution-DPI, media type, technical features, etc.) and their major functions and advantages.  (You can try web search engine or refer to the instruction manual next to the printer).


Now, let's assume that you want to replace the printer in our LAB.  Please select a new color printer from the current market.  Specify the model, price, major functions and the rationales behind your selection.



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