Web-based Exercise #5

Remote Sensing and Imagery Analysis.

Estimated Time:  4 hours  

Grading:  8 points total.

Learning Goal: This exercise will introduce several typical remote sensing analysis examples. Though this exercise, the students should be aware of the usefulness of remote sensing technologies in Geographic Information Systems.

Platforms:  PC, Mac, or UNIX. 


Due Day: Apr 19 (Thursday) at the beginning of lecture (2pm). You should upload your lab answers to the Blackboard ( http://blackboard.sdsu.edu  )  before the lecture.  We will use the Timestamp on your documents in the Blackboard to check if your assignment is late or not.

(In your upload file, please use this title: [GEOG104-LAB-#-[Your name].doc (or txt or pdf).  Please write down your answers in MS Word or WordPAD or other word processing software.  Please always save a local backup copy of your own answers.)


If you don't have Internet access, you can use our SAL lab (Storm Hall  third floor) by contacting your TA for lab available hours.




1. Remote Sensing Image Analytical Tools: ESRI Landsat App.

First of all, read this web page to get basic concept about Landsat images and Landsat program (since 1972).

https://landsat.gsfc.nasa.gov/landsat-8/  (watch the video first).


https://landsat.gsfc.nasa.gov/operational-land-imager/  (find out the temporal resolutioin here).


Q1:  Why the Landsat images are important for Earth Observation?  What is the spatial resolution and temporal resolution for Landsat 8? What kinds of applications can we use Landsat images for ?


Take the following online lesson, "Get Started with Imagery" from ESRI ArcGIS website:


https://learn.arcgis.com/en/projects/get-started-with-imagery/  (estimated time: 30 mins)




Q2:  What is the unique feature of the color infrared band in Landsat imagey? What kind of information can we monitor using the color indrared band combination imagery? What is the Moisture index? What kinds of color is indicating "the likely to have moisture"? What is the "Agriculture band combination"?


Q3:  What do you find out the major change of the Suez Canal in the last 40 years in this exercise? How many bands does the Landsat imagery provide?  Which band can highlight the manmade objects?


Q4: Pick up ONE Bookmark (as your own example from the Landsat App and Describe the major features and finding in your example. Compare the temporal change during the last 40 years.  What are the major changes in your selected bookmark? 



 Please use the following viewer to select one city or region and compare its change between years.



Q5: Take a screen shot of your comparision using the viewer. Describe the major change in your select region. Does the vegetation increase or decrese in this region? Try to explain the reason of change.


The Landsat Explorer (more advanced imagery analysis tool)



First of all, click on the "Tutorial" icon on the left side tool box. (The one showing a graduation cap icon). 

Take the first tutorial (Renderer) and click on [Start].  (Note, some actions such as save the output into ArcGIS online account will not work with your public ArcGIS online account.  You can skip the tasks using ArcGIS online accounts).


Q6: Do you like the "Swipe" function in this Landsat explorer?  What can you compare using this swipe function?  What other functions are useful in this Explorer? Please describe one of your favorite functions and explain the major function for imagery analysis with examples.


Q7: What are the major differences between the "Landsat App" and the "Landsat Explorer"?  Which one you prefer?  Why? 



Read the following website from USGS about the Landsat imagery:



Q8: Which year will the Landsat 9 be scheduled to launch? What are the spatial resolution of Landsat 9? How many sensors does the Landsat 9 have?  How many spectral bands will Landsat 9 provide? (combining two sensors together).



Please Answer the Eight Questions Above and Submit them into the Blackboard.

Due Day: Apr 19  at the beginning of lecture (2pm).