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Association of American Geographers

Specialty Groups

To enhance geographic research and scholarship on matters relating to Africa by encouraging effective communication of knowledge and information and supporting innovative approaches to geographic education on Africa. Dues $10 (student $5).
Joseph R. Oppong

Department of Geography

P.O. Box 305279

University of North Texas, Denton TX 76203-5279

Voice 940-565-2181 Fax 940-369-7550

Internet oppong@unt.edu

URL http://www.brc.tamus.edu/asg/

To support research, teaching, and service pertaining to the geography of aging and the aged. Dues $2 (student $0).
Sarah Zapolsky

AARP -Research

            601 E. Street, NW

            Washington, DC 20049

Voice 202-434-6305

            Internet szapolsky@aarp.org

To increase the visibility of applied geography in the profession and the general population; promote and facilitate communications among the Group members; promote and recognize individual excellence in applied geographic research. Dues $5 (student $0).
John Frazier

Dept of Geography

Binghamton University, Binghamton, NY 13903

Voice 607-777-6179

            Internet JWFMAP@aol.com

  URL http://agsg.freac.fsu.edu


To promote geographic research and to facilitate teaching the geography of Asia through professional meetings, publications and establishing contacts with Asian geographers, and developing an agenda for research and teaching grants. Members receive the Bulletin of Asian Geography edited by Bimal K. Paul, Department of Geography, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506. Dues $5 (student $5).
David W. Edgington
The Canadian Geographer/Le Geographe Canadien
Associate Professor
Department of Geography
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1Z2
Voice 604-822-5612 Fax 604-822-6150
Internet edgingtn@geog.ubc.ca
URL http://www.uky.edu/AS/Geography/AGSG/


The use the Bible as a source of geographic information for the study of the geography of ancient Israel. Dues $1 (student $1).
William A. Dando
Department of Geography, Geology and Anthropology,
Indiana State University, Terre Haute IN 47809
Voice 812-237-2444 Fax 812-237-8029
Internet gedando@scifac.indstate.edu


To promote interactions between biogeographers, stimulate active research and teaching development in biogeography, and facilitate the exchange of ideas. Dues $7.50 (student $5).
Kenneth Young
Department of Geography
University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX 78712
Voice 512-232-1592 Fax 512-471-5049
Internet kryoung@mail.utexas.edu
URL www.geog.ucla.edu/~bsg/


To stimulate a more visible series of activities and increased research on Canadian topics. Dues $3 (student $3).
Joan Kendall
Kutztown University
Kutztown, PA 19530
Voice 610-683-4368 Fax 610-683-1352
Internet Kendall@Kutztown.edu
URL http://web.syr.edu/~tppratt/cssgmain.html


To encourage cartographic research, promote education in cartography and map use, and facilitate the exchange of ideas and information about cartography, promote interest in and correct utilization of maps and other cartographic products, promote and facilitate the cartographer's role within the geographic profession, promote and coordinate activities and directions with other professional organizations involved with cartography. Dues $6 (student $2).
Matthew McGranaghan


Department of Geography
University of Hawaii
2424 Maile Way
Honolulu, HI 96822
Voice 808-956-7092 Fax 808-956-3512
Internet matt@hawaii.edu

URL http://www.csun.edu/~hfgeg003/csg


To promote the study of the geography of China, including Taiwan, and to serve as a clearinghouse of information for persons interested in Chinese geography. To increase contacts with Chinese geographers and encourage professional activities, including the development of research projects. Dues $5 (student $0).
Yehua Dennis Wei

Department of Geography
462 Bolton Hall
University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee
Milwaukee, WI  53201
Voice 414-229-3941   Fax  414-229-4981
Internet  weiy@uwm.edu
URL  www.geo.msu.edu/chinageo/cgsg.htm


To encourage climatological research, to promote climatological education, to promote the exchange of climatological ideas and information, to promote the interests of climatology within the discipline of geography; and to develop contacts and coordination with other climatological organizations. Dues $5 (student $1).
Brent Yarnal

Department of Geography

302 Walker Building

The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802

Voice 814-863-4894 or 3433 or 865-5786  Fax 814-863-7943

Internet alibar@essc.psu.edu

            URL http://www.geog.ku.edu/AAG/Csg/csghome.htm


To encourage the intellectual exchange of knowledge related to coastal and marine environments and their resources. COMA's membership is composed of both physical and human geographers who have a common interest in understanding how anthropogenic activities may impact coastal or marine environments. Dues $5 (student $1).
Klaus J. Meyer-Arendt
Dept. of Environmental Studies
University of West Florida
11000 University Parkway
Pensacola, FL 32514
Voice 850-474-2746
Internet kjma@uwf.edu
URL: http://aag_coma.homestead.com


To promote the common interests of geographers working on agriculture and rural land use problems in the U.S., Canada, and other developed countries. Dues $4 (student $2).
Leslie A. Duram

           Department of Geography

           Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL  62901-4514

           Voice 618-453-6084 Fax 618-453-2671

            Internet duram@siu.edu

            URL http://www.wku.edu/~catherine.algeo/carlu/carlu.htm


To foster communication between practitioners dealing with the various elements of the cryosphere, to establish linkages with related organizations, and to enhance research on and teaching of cryospheric topics. Dues $5 (student $0).
Thomas L. Mote

Department of Geography

University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602-2502

Internet tmote@uga.edu


To promote and conduct scholarly activities on cultural ecological topics ranging from pre-history to third world development, and from environmental to economic problems. Dues $5 (student $0).
Andrew Sluyter

Department of Geography

302 Walker Building

The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802

Voice 814-865-3433 Fax 814-863-7943

            Internet sluyter@gis.psu.edu

  URL http://www.u.arizona.edu/~batterbu/cesg/cesg.html


To encourage and facilitate intellectual exchange between scholars of all ages working in every branch of the subfield of cultural geography, Dues $5 (student $2).
To be Elected


To foster communication among members and to encourage research, education, and service that addresses issues of disability and chronic illness. The group will provide support and advocate with disabled members of the Association while working closely with other specialty groups to promote common interests and develop intradisciplinary and interdisciplinary projects. Dues $4 (student and retiree $1). .
Vera Chouinard
School of Geography and Geology
McMaster University
Hamilton  ONTARIO
Voice 905-525-9140 Fax 905-522-3141
Internet chouinar@mcmaster.ca
URL http://www.georgetown.edu/crossroads/interests/ds-hum/geogable.html


To facilitate the exchange of information and ideas among its members and other specialists; to stimulate research, teaching, and applications in industrial and economic geography; to aid in the advancement of its members and the field of industrial and economic geography; and to help represent industrial and economic geography within the discipline of geography and to related disciplines, agencies in government, the private sector, and the general public. Dues $5 (student $0).
Claire Pavlik

Department of Geography

University of Iowa, Iowa City IA 52242

Voice 319-335-1195 Fax 319-335-2725

Internet claire-pavlik@uiowa.edu

URL http://www.ucc.uconn.edu/~wwwgeog/aagecon.html


To promote interaction and research among geographers interested in energy and environmental issues, to enhance the contributions of geographers to energy and environmental research and practice, and to assist in developing related educational curricula. Dues $4 (student $0).
Barry D. Solomon
Department of Social Sciences,
Michigan Technological University, Houghton MI 149931-1295
Voice 906-487-1791 Fax 906-487-2468
Internet bdsolomo@mtu.edu
URL http://geography.asu.edu/eesg/


To advance the theoretical and applied interests of environmental perception and behavioral geography within the discipline of geography, developing links to related disciplines through communication and organization. Environmental perception and behavior geography (EPBG) is a broad subarea within human geography that takes a disaggregate approach to the study of human activity, culture, and society. It is concerned with a diverse set of issues about human behavior, perception, attitudes, beliefs, memory, language, intentions, reasoning and problem-solving involving space and place. EPBG research is motivated by two premises, that understanding these issues will help improve traditional models in human geography, and that these issues constitute geographic problems in their own right. Furthermore, to an EPBG researcher, people are not interchangeable parts for study but may differ as a function of their culture, socioeconomic status, age, gender, education, travel experiences, differing abilities, and more. EPBG researchers employ a wide array of research methodologies, both qualitative and quantitative, and have interdisciplinary contact with psychology, anthropology, history, phenomenology, micro-economics, computer science, literature, and other disciplines. Dues $5 (student $1).
Jochen Albrecht
          Department of Geography

          University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee

          P.O. Box 413, Milwaukee, WI 53201

          Internet albrecht@csd.uwm.edu

URL http://geog.ucsb.edu/epbg

To support and encourage inclusive and informed discussion throughout the discipline on normative concerns including applied, theoretical, and professional. In equal measure and in combination, to sustain an interest in, and teaching/research on, human rights issues at all scales of analysis, in all parts of the world. Dues $5 (Students $0)
Audrey Kobayashi (co-chair)
Department of Geography
Mackintosh Corry Hall Room D201
Queen's University
Kingston, Ontario Canada K7L 3N6
Voice 613-545-6318 Fax 613-545-2824
Internet kobayasi@post.queensu.ca
Rex Honey (co-chair)
Department of Geography
316 Jessup Hall
The University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA 52240
Voice 319-335-0154 Fax 319-335-2725
Internet rex-honey@uiowa.edu


To promote the common interests of persons working in ethnic geography, to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas within the AAG, and to encourage its members in their research and teaching of ethnic experiences from comparative, national/transnational and global perspectives. Dues $5 (student $3).
Carlos Teixeira,

Department of Geography

University of Toronto at Scarborough

1265 Military Trail

Scarborough, Ontario, Canada, M1C 1A4.

Voice/Fax 905-890-1777

Internet cteixeira@idirect.com

URL http://everest.hunter.cuny.edu/aegsg/


To foster research, teaching, and scholarly interaction on the geography of Europe, broadly defined; to promote work on all parts of Europe and to advance scholarship that moves beyond the traditional East-West bifurcation of the continent; to promote the study of Europe within the discipline of geography; and to encourage contacts between its members and those working on Europe in other disciplines, government, and private agencies. Dues $4 (student $2).
Laura Huntoon (2001-2003)
School of Planning
College of Architecture, Planning, and Landscape Architecture
PO Box  210075
Tucson, AZ  85721-0075
Voice 520-623-2355  Fax  520-623-1705
Internet  huntoon@u.arizona.edu
Jerzy J. Jemiolo (2001-2003)
Department of Geography
Ball State University
Muncie, IN  47306
Voice  317-285-1762  Fax  317-285-2351
Internet 00j0jemiolo@bsuvc.bsu.edu
URL http://ezinfo.ucs.indiana.edu/~aagesg/home.html



To promote the development and practice in computer-based hardware, software and graphic capabilities that encode, analyze and display natural, cultural and economic information. Dues $7 (student $0).

Robert B. McMaster

            Department of Geography

            585 Social Sciences

            University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455

            Voice 612-625-9883 Fax 612-624-1044

            Internet mcmaster@socsci.umn.edu 

            URL http://www.cla.sc.edu/gis/aaggis


To promote geographic research and education on topics relating to women and gender. Dues $5 (student $0).
Kim England
Department of Geography
Box 353550
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195
Voice 206-685-2509 Fax 206-543-3313
Internet england@u.washington.edu
URL http://www.online.masu.nodak.edu/divisions/hssdiv/meartz/gpow/gpow.htm



To promote research, development, and practice in the learning and teaching of geography and to examine and strengthen the role of geography in education by focusing on the development of learners, teachers, curricula, and programs. Dues $2 (student $1).

Bruce L. Seivertson


Social Science Education
Delta State University
201-D Keathley
Cleveland, MS 38733
Voice 662-846-4094
Internet bseiver@dsu.deltast.edu


To further the geographic study of religious phenomena, including but not limited to religious groups, behavior, material culture, and human-environment relations from a religious perspective. Dues $5 (student $1).
Darrel L. McDonald
Stephen F. Austin State University
Political Science and Geography
Box 13045  SFA Station
Nacogdoches, TX  75962-3045
Voice 936-468-3903   Fax 936-468-2190
Internet dmcdonald@sfasu.edu



To foster better communication among those working in the geomorphic sciences, especially in geography. Dues $10 (student $0).

       Bernard O. Bauer

University of Southern California-Los Angeles
Department of Geography
Los Angeles, CA  90089-0255
Voice 213-740-0051  Fax 213-740-0056
Internet  bbauer@usc.edu
URL http://www.cla.sc.edu/geog/gsgdocs/


To promote research, education, and the application of knowledge about natural, technological, and social hazards; to strengthen communication and collaborative activities among geographers pertaining to hazards; to encourage communication between geographers and the members of other disciplines and professions that share an interest in hazards. Dues $5 (student $2).
John Tiefenbacher (2001-2003)
Department of Geography
Southwest Texas State University
San Marcos, TX  78666
Voice 512-245-8327  Fax 512-245-8353
Internet  jt04@swt.edu
URL http://www.cla.sc.edu/geog/hrl/hsg/index.html


To promote the common interests of persons in the field, provide a forum for the discussion of matters that pertain to the membership, and establish procedures for activities within the AAG. Dues $5 (student $1).
David J. Robinson
Geography Department
144 Eggers Hall
Syracuse University
Syracuse, NY 13244-1020
Voice 315-443-5631 Fax 315-443-4227
Internet drobins@maxwell.syr.edu
URL http://www.geog.okstate.edu/hgsg/hgsg.htm


To promote research and the exchange of information pertaining to the history of geography and advance scholarship that contributes to a deeper understanding of the evolution of the discipline. Dues $4 (student $0).
Donald C. Dahmann

1914 Martha's Road

Alexandria, VA 22307

Internet ddahmann@yahoo.com

URL http://www.geog.psu.edu/HoG


To promote the varied interests of geographers who are united by research, teaching, or service that in one way or another involves the human dimensions of global-scale processes that affect or are affected by environmental changes. Dues $5 (student $1).
    William Solecki

Department of Earth & Environmental Studies

350 Mallory Hall

Montclair State University, Upper Montclair, NJ 07043

Voice 973-655-5129 or 4448 Fax 973-655-4390

            Internet soleckiw@mail.montclair.edu

  URL http://www.essc.psu.edu/hdgc



To foster pure and applied geographic research and geographic education that involves the indigenous peoples of the world, past and present. To encourage approaches to research and teaching that empower indigenous peoples, and to help build relationships of mutual trust between communities of  indigenous peoples and academic geographers. Dues $6 (student $1).

    Douglas Deur

Department of Geography
Mail Stop 154
University of Nevada, Reno
Reno, Nevada 89557-004
Voice: (775)784-6630 Fax: (775)784-1058
Internet: deur@unr.edu


            URL: http://www.unc.edu/depts/geog/aisg/  

To promote education, research and other activity relating to Latin American geography and to advance communication among geographers and others with an interest in the region. Dues $5 (student $1).
Taylor E. Mack

            Department of Geosciences

            Mississippi State University, 

            P O Box 5448

            Mississippi State, MS 39762

            Voice 662-325-2905 Fax 662-325-2907

            Internet tmack@ra.msstate.edu

  URL http://www.maxwell.syr.edu/geo/clag/LASG.htm


To provide a forum for disseminating research on geographical epidemiology, spatial aspects of health care delivery, health care policy and the political economy of health care, and ethnomedicine and to promote medical geography within the discipline of geography and to related disciplines, agencies in government and the private sector, and the general public. Dues $8 (student $0).
Christopher J. Smith

Department of Geography and Planning

University at Albany

State University of New York, Albany, NY 12222

            Voice 518-442-3249 Fax 518-442-4742

             Internet cjsmith@cas.albany.edu

   URL http://www.pop.psu.edu/aag/mgsg.html


To investigate ways in which microcomputers can be used as a tool in geographical research and teaching and to provide a forum for the exchange of information and knowledge regarding the use of microcomputers. *Nonmember newsletter subscription $6. Dues $4 (student $1).
Jeffrey Torguson
Department of Geography
St. Cloud University, St. Cloud MN 56301-4498
Voice 302-202-0961 Fax 320-654-5198
Internet jtorguson@stcloudstate.edu
URL http://wolf.its.ilstu.edu/microcam/msg/msg.htm


To facilitate research on and teaching about the Greater Middle East. Dues $3(student$1).
Don Zeigler

Department of Political Science and Geography

Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA  23529-0088

Voice:757-683-3841 Fax:757-683-4763

            Internet Dzeigler@odu.edu


            Dona Stewart

            Internet djstewart@gsu.edu

            Michael Bonine

            Internet mbonine@ccit.arizona.edu


To promote research and the exchange of information pertaining to military geography and advance scholarship that contributes to a deeper understanding of the subdiscipline. This subfield is defined as the application of geographic information, tools, and techniques to solve military problems in peacetime or war. The subfield is broadly defined to include those interested in physical, cultural, political, historical, environmental, remote sensing, GIS, and other applications as they relate to military or security issues. Dues $5 (student $3).
Colonel Eugene J. Palka

Department of Geography & Environmental Engineering

US Military Academy, West Point, NY  10996-1695

Voice 914-938-4354

            Internet be4546@usma.edu

            URL http://www.dean.usma.edu/geo/Geog/specialty_group.htm


To foster communication, promote basic and applied research, enhance education, and encourage service related to mountain peoples and mountain environments and their interactions. Dues $5 (student $3)..
David R. Butler
Department of Geography
Southwest Texas State University
San Marcos, TX  78666-4616
Voice 512-245-7977  Fax 512-245-9140
Internet  db25@swt.edu
To provide a central focus and organization for political geographers by which they can achieve scholarly growth and to improve the status and cohesion of the subdiscipline. Dues $6 (student $4).
Meghan Cope
Department of Geography
State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo NY 14261
Voice 716-646-2722 Fax 716-645-2329
Internet mcope@geog.buffalo.edu
URL http://www.politicalgeography.org



To promote research, teaching, and service in the general field of population geography, to stimulate the exchange of information among members of the group, to encourage the development of population geography as a science and a profession, and to develop close relations and interchange with other sciences. Dues $6 (student $0).

Michelle E. Behr
Department of Social Sciences
Western New Mexico University
Silver City, NM  88061
Voice 505-538-6205  Fax 505-388-8980
Internet behrm@cs.wnmu.edu
URL http://www.pop.psu.edu/aag/psg.html


To promote the use and understanding of qualitative research approaches, methods, and tools for the purposes of education, research, and public service in the discipline of geography. Dues $6 (student $2)..
Stuart Aitken
San Diego State University, San Diego, CA 92182
Voice 619-594-6498 Fax 619-594-4938
Internet saitken@mail.sdsu.edu
Lydia Savage
Assistant Professor of Geography
Department of Geography-Anthropology
University of Southern Maine
37 College Avenue
300 Bailey Hall
Gorham, Maine 04038
Voice 207-780-5570 Fax 207-780-5167
Internet lsavage@usm.maine.edu
          URL http://www.geog.buffalo.edu/~mcope/QRSG.html


To provide a forum and to encourage research and teaching of applied and academic aspects of recreation, tourism, and sport geography. Dues $5 (student $1).
Dallen Timothy
PO Box 874905
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ 85287-4905
Voice 480 - 965-7291 Fax 480 - 965-5664
Internet dtimothy@asu.edu
URL http://www.asu.edu/copp/recreation


To encourage and promote research, teaching, service and communication among members of the group; to publish and distribute newsletters twice a year featuring upcoming activities and other items of interest. Organize special sessions or events at AAG meetings. Dues $2 (student $1).
    Jayati Ghosh (2001-2002)
Department of Geography
University of Wisconsin
800 W. Main Street
Whitewater, WI 53190
Voice 414-472-1074
Internet  ghoshj@uwwvax.uww.edu


To foster an understanding of remote sensing science. Emphasis is placed on developing a meaningful dialogue among geographers interested in understanding and applying remote sensing technology in research, instruction, public service, and private enterprise. Dues $5 (student $1).
    Dale A. Quattrochi

NASA Global Hydrology and Climate Center


Marshall Space Flight Center, AL 35812
            Voice 256-961-7887

Internet dale.quattrochi@msfc.nasa.gov

  URL http://www.earthsensing.com/rssg/index.html


To promote sharing of ideas and information among geographers interested in the many facets of rural development. Dues $4 (student $0).
William Forbes (March 2001 - Spring 2003)
University of North Texas
Department of Geography
P.O. Box  305279
Denton, TX  76203-5279
Voice  940-565-2374   Fax  940-369-7550
Internet  wforbes@unt.edu



To promote the professional competence and knowledgeability of its members of Russian, Central Eurasian, and East European region and to enhance communication among members. Dues $8 (student $0).

    Bob Kaiser

Department of Geography

University of Wisconsin-Madison

208 Science Hall

550 N. Park St., Madison WI 53706-1491

Voice 608-262-1904, Fax 608-265-3991 

Internet rjkaise1@facstaff.wisc.edu

URL  http://polyglot.lss.wisc.edu/creeca/rceee



To promote and facilitate scholarly and other geographic inquiry into human sexualities and related issues. Dues $5 (student $2).

  Paola Bacchetta
University of Kentucky
Department of Geography
Lexington, KY  40506-0027
Voice 606-257-2931  Fax 606-323-1969
Internet  p.bacchetta@worldnet.att.net
  James A. Tyner
Department of Geography
Kent State University
Kent, OH  44242
Voice 330-672-7863
Internet jtyner@kent.edu
URL: http://www.frc.csm.cc.md.us/soc/richardr/SaSSG.htm


To promote critical analysis of geographic phenomena, cognizant of geographic research on the well-being of social classes; to investigate the issue of radical change toward a more collective society; and to discover the impact of economic growth upon environmental quality and upon social equity. Dues $6 (student $0).
Scott Salmon
Department of Geography,
Miami University, Oxford OH 45056
Voice 513-529-5010 Fax 513-529-3841
Internet salmonsc@muohio.edu
URL http://www.geography.uc.edu/~desoc001/sgsg.htm


SPATIAL ANALYSIS AND MODELING   (Formerly Mathematical Models and Quantitative Methods)
To foster and maintain interaction, cooperation and community among individuals interested in the analysis of geo-referenced data, modeling of spatio-temporal processes and the use of analytical and computational techniques in solving geographic problems. The specialty group promotes the scientific study of physical, environmental and socioeconomic geography and the development, use and teaching of analytical cartography, GIS, remote sensing, spatial statistical, mathematical and computational techniques for spatial analysis. Dues $3 (student $1)
    Alan Murray

Department of Geography

The Ohio State University

1036 Derby Hall

154 N. Oval Mall, Columbus, OH 43210-1361

Internet murray.308@osu.edu

  URL http://geog-www.sbs.ohio-state.edu/sam_aag/


To encourage and facilitate interactions among individuals who are interested in research, practice, and education of transportation-related topics. Dues $5 (student $2).
Shih-Lung Shaw

Department of Geography

University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996 

Voice 865-974-6036 Fax 865-974-6025 

            Internet sshaw@utk.edu

  URL http://www.geotrans.hofstra.edu/geotrans/tgsg


To facilitate communication of information and ideas among urban geographers and other urban specialists through a newsletter, meetings, correspondence, website, listserve, and other media. Dues $7 (student $0).
Judith Kenny
Department of Geography,
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
472 Bolton Hall
Milwaukee, WI 53201
Internet: jkenny@uwm.edu
URL: www.geog.buffalo.edu/ugsg/newsletter.html



To provide its membership with services that enhance professional opportunities to communicate research progress and results within the professional community and to announce events and discuss major developments in the field of water resources. Dues $5 (student $2).
Robert Brinkmann

Department of Geography

University of South Florida

4202 East Fowler Ave., SOC 107, Tampa, FL 33620-8100

Voice 813-974-4883

            Internet rbrinkmn@chuma1.cas.usf.edu

            URL http://www.cla.sc.edu/geog/wrsg/



To promote the use of the Worldwide Web and Internet as tools for communication, debate, and collaboration in the discipline of geography for education, research, and public service; to critically engage the implications of geographic pedagogy and scholarship on the web. Dues $2 (student and retiree $1)..

      Shannon Crum

Department of Geography (GRG 334),

University of Texas, Austin TX 78712-1098

Voice 512-471-5116 Fax 512-471-5049

Internet shannon.crum@mail.utexas.edu

URL http://www.uncc.edu/lagaro/WSG/main.html


Affinity Groups


Community College
Seeks to give community college geographers a stronger voice within the discipline and within the AAG by disseminating information about funding opportunities for projects relevant to community college geography, enhancing research and professional development opportunities for community college faculty, and promoting curriculum development of GIS and other technical areas. Dues $2 (student $1)
Joan Clemons
3240 Tilden Ave., Los Angeles CA 90034
Voice 310-825-7053 Fax 310-206-4743
Internet jclemons@msn.com  
To Support the missions of the AAG by increasing participation of graduate students in the life of the profession and by better preparing graduate students for careers in Geography. Dues $0 (student $0)
Richard Heyman
University of Minnesota - Morris
Division of the Humanities
Morris, MN 56267
Voice 320-589-6256
Internet heymanr@mrs.umn.edu



Retired Geographers
Provides opportunities for retirees to keep in contact with colleagues and professional friends through newsletters, distinctive travel opportunities, social activities, and service projects. Dues $10.
Charles Bussing
148 Bethany Drive, Manhattan KS 66503-3086
Internet: bussing@ksu.edu