Lecture Handouts 

Introduction to Geographic Information Systems/ Science

(Spring 2013)

horizontal rule

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All lecture documents will be posted on the Blackboard [Lecture Notes] folder.

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Some additional graphs and figures are listed below.

bulletNatural of Spatial Data
  1. Three-lines.
  2. Line-length.
  3. Fractal.
  4. How much data.
  5. Links and Join (Entity-relationship)
  1. Macintosh Character Set: Print-out-format (PDF) (three pages)
  2. Tobler's article: Print-out-format (PDF) (four pages)
  3. Object-Structure.
bulletGeocoding and topology
  1. Encoding: page-1, page-2, page-3, page-4, page-5.
  2. Build-Tree
  3. DIME
  4. Encoding polygons-1
  5. Encoding polygons-2
  6. Poly_area
  7. Polyvrt
bulletData Input
  1. Digitizing preparation.
  2. Digitizing error
  3. Digitizer
  4. Diskpaths on NT
  5. Error detection
  6. Jenks
  7. Clean&Build
bulletGIS Attributes
  1. Data source/cost/use
  2. Raster/Vector Data Attribute
bulletGIS Modeling 
  1. Overlay analysis
bulletGIS Database Management
  1. Healey (Database)
  2. DBMS compare

horizontal rule

Last updated: January 20, 2013.