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For more information regarding Open Space in San Diego County Contact:

City of San Diego

  • Michelle Akino:          Open Space Department                (619) 533-6723
  • Melany Johnson:       Supervisor Biologist                       (619) 533-6300
  • Linda Gianelli-Pratt:   Environmental Services                  (858) 694-7000

SANDAG (San Diego Association of Governments)

  • Sue Carnevale            Senior Research GIS Analyst            (619) 699-1981
  • Carolina Gregor           Regional Planner                            (619) 595-5399
  • Troy Anderson            Sr. Public Information Officer            (619) 699-6939
  • Julie Wiley                  Deputy General Counsel                  jwi@sandag.org


  • Diana Richardson:       SDSU Geography Department           (619) 594-5476
  • Jerry McLees, AICP:    EDAW: Principal Planner                   (619) 233-1454




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Copyright © 2005 Terra Geospatial
Last modified: 05/16/05