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Additional Information:

Below are links to statistics about the City related to planning and to other local jurisdictions related to growth issues:

How to Contact the Planning Department

How To Contact Us

Our telephone numbers:
Planning Department information, (619) 235-5200
Planning Commission information, (619) 236-6596
Facilities Financing information, (619) 533-3670
Historical Resources Board information, (619) 235-5224
Hearing Officer information, (619) 236-6945

Our fax numbers:
Planning Department,
4th Floor (619) 533-5951
5th Floor (619) 236-6478
Facilities Financing, (619) 533-3687

Our mailing addresses:
Planning Department
202 C Street, MS 5A
San Diego, CA 92101

Facilities Financing
1010 Second Avenue, Suite 600, MS 606F
San Diego, CA 92101

Contact List:
Planning Director: Gail Goldberg, (619) 533-6335

Deputy Planning Directors:
Betsy McCullough, (619) 236-6879
Keith Greer, (619) 533-4775

Community Planning Program Managers:
Bob Manis, (619) 533-4775
Mary Wright, (619) 533-4775

Facilities Financing Program Manager: Charlene Gabriel, (619) 533-3690

General Plan Program Manager: Coleen Clementson, (619) 235-5200

Staff Directory by Name (PDF: 70K)
Staff Directory by Subject (PDF: 16K)




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Copyright © 2005 Terra Geospatial
Last modified: 05/16/05