| We provide an interactive map of San Diego County. Click on the earth to link to HTML version of ArcIMS interactive map.
Instruction: 1. Icons:
2. To query: USE CAPITAL LETTERS ( By ZIP Layer) a. Activate a zip layer
b. Click c. Select "ZIP" for [field] and enter Zip Code for [Value] d. Click "Add to Query String" Example:: "ZIP=92115" e. Click "Execute" ( Your choice is highlighted.) To identify a restaurant, make sure to activate "Restaurant" layer.
( By Restaurant Layer) a. Activate a Restaurant Layer
b. Click c. Choose your field (TYPE, CONTINENT, ZIP, CITY etc...) d. Enter Value Example:: (TYPE = JAPANESE, CONTINENT= EUROPE, CITY = EL CAJON) e. Click "Add to Query String" If you have more than one criteria... (AND) To narrow down your criteria CONTINENT = EUROPE AND ZIP = 92108 -European restaurants in Zip code 92108 will be selected ( OR ) To expand your criteria TYPE = JAPANESE OR TYPE = THAI -Japanese restaurants or Thai restaurants will be selected. ( Combine of AND and OR ) ( TYPE = JAPANESE OR TYPE = THAI ) AND ZIP = 92111 - Japanese restaurants or Thai restaurants in Zip code 92111 will be selected.
3. Enjoy! Click here to link to HTML version of ArcIMS interactive map.