San Diego FITKid

Your resource for physical activity opportunities


map services


Fun for Kids
For Parents
Fitness Facts
map services



Legend Overview
Zoom In Zoom Out
Initial Extent Layers
Pan Identify


Legend: Description of the data layers and their symbols on the map.

Overview: Toggles overview map off/on.

Zoom In: Enlarges the map to display greater detail.

Zoom Out: Shrinks the map to show a larger area.

Initial Extent: Brings the map back to its original size.

Layers: Data features and attributes. Check marks make the layers 'active', or visible, on the map.

Pan: Moves across the map.

Identify: Click on icon, the move to the symbol to identify it.  This takes good manual dexterity.

Print:  Click the printer icon to print your selection.


Click here to open the Map Services:    FITKid MAP


                            Printable maps to selected San Diego County parks:


                               Agua Caliente        Dos Picos            El Monte                Felicita               Flinn Springs



                            Pine Valley            Potrero                  San Diegiuto        Torrey Pines            Balboa

To view and print map, click on thumbnail picture

To go to website, click on park name