General Information

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Physical Characteristics of the Tecate-Cottonwood Sub-basin





Physical Characteristics of the Tecate-Cottonwood Sub-basin

Size:  620 square kilometers (248 square miles)

This includes the Campo Indian Reservation on the United States side, and the city of Tecate in Mexico.

Terrain:  Steep, Hilly terrain

Climate:  Mediterranean climate

Temperature:  Averages range between 8 to 18 degrees Celsius (46-64 degrees F)

Precipitation:  150 mm to 650 mm  per year (6-26 inches)

Vegetation:   dominated by chaparral and coastal sage scrub, wetlands (vernal pools, and riparian zones) and conifers in the mountains.

For more information visit Online Planning Atlases: The International Border Area Planning Atlas (IBAP) and The Tijuana River Watershed (TRW) Atlas