GEOG 581  Cartographic Design                                                                        2004 Fall

(40% of total course grade)

Group Project:

 Two or three students will form a “Cartographic Design Project Team”.  Each group will submit one page proposal on October  28, 2004 and choose a possible project topic.  Each team will select a team coordinator, who will coordinate the work progress of your project.  The proposal will list the following items in a single page:

bulletThe title of your project,
bulletMembers’ names,
bulletCoordinator’s name,
bulletOne paragraph to explain your project (200-300 words), and 
bulletWeekly schedules and individual assignments.

 Each team will spend five minutes to introduce their project to the class on October 28.

 At the end of semester, each team has to submit an “Cartographic Design Project final report” in paper format and publish the result to group project web pages.  Your project web pages must include the following items:

bulletAt lease ONE PDF map.
bulletAt lease ONE Animation movie (created from 3D analysis or ArcGloble)
bulletAt lease ONE Flash animation

The whole team members will present your project in front of the class as the final exam. The final report presentation will be hold in December 9  from 2:00pm -  5:00pm in SAL lab (SH338).  Each team has 15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for questions.  (If you need to use the Powerpoint slide, save the slide in a floppy disk or send it to before your presentation.)  The contents of your presentation should follow your group report.  (Everyone are required to attend the presentation classes and sign-up your name).  The final report (paper format) is due on the December 14 (3:00pm) in the instructor’s mailbox (TSOU).

The Final report should include:

Group report (10-15 pages, double space, submit by each group) should include the following items:

bulletTeam members
bulletProblem statement (why are you doing this project?)
bulletLiterature review (other similar projects or fundamental theories)
bulletCartographic Design and Multimeida presentation methods (where do your data sets come from? What kinds of cartographic principles in your map and animation designs?  Where do you put them on the Web?
bulletResults (introduce your web design and published data)


Individual report (3-5 pages, double space, submit by individuals):

bulletYour own contribution to the project
bulletWhat do you learn from this project?
bulletYour suggestions for the project (If you can re-do this project, which part of the project would you improve?)



Final presentation 15%, Web Design 25%, Group project report 40%, Individual report 20%. 


Possible Group Project Topics:

 ·   Visualization of Population Change in the County of San Diego

 ·   Global warming effects.

 ·   Epidemiology research

 ·   California Transportation Systems.

 ·   U.S. census survey.