High Resolution Imagery Access, Visualize, Measurement,
Change Detection and Analytical Tools Demostration
Click and hold down mouse to drag a green rectangle box to zoom in the area
of interest.
Click and hold down mouse to drag a green rectangle box to zoom out of an
the mouse upper-right to zoom in, lower left to zoom out
and drag the mouse to pan the image
this icon to zoom to full extent of the image
Left click mouse pointer on image to add a point. Continue clicking to outline
area of interest. -------Right click and drag
the mouse to move a point
this icon to delete the digitized polygon
Move the horizontal or vertical slider bar to control the swipe line and view portion of the top image over the bottom image
Top (Swipe) Image: The 2001 IKONOS image is a
mosaic of multispectral IKONOS imagery acquired on May 30, 2001. The spatial
resolution is 4 meters. The multispectral wavebands are blue (444-516 nm),
green (506-595 nm), red (631-697 nm), and near-infrared (757-852 nm). Each
waveband has 11 bit radiometric range.
Image: The 2000 IKONOS image is a mosaic of multispectal
IKONOS imagery acquired on June 7 and June 29, 2000. The spatial resolution
is 4 meters. The multispectral wavebands are blue (444-516 nm), green (506-595
nm), red (631-697 nm), and near-infrared (757-852 nm). Each waveband has 11
bit radiometric range.
This data was acquired for the purpose of evaluating the relationships between
image-derived variables and habitat quality and change in quality.
This image has been converted from its native format (GeoTIFF) to ERDAS Imagine ".img" format and reprojected from UTM to State Plane by the Department of Geography at San Diego State University.
you find any problem running the above applet, you can contact author Liang