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Balboa Park Attractions




Driving Directions

Southbound from I-5.

When one is Driving to the park from South of San Diego start on I-5 heading North. Then take the 10th Ave. exit off I-5. Turn left on "A" St. and left again on Park Blvd. Follow the signs to Balboa Park.


Southbound from Hwy 163

Start on I-163 heading North. Then take the Park Blvd. exit off Hwy 163. Turn left on Park Blvd. Follow the signs to Balboa Park.

Northbound from I-5

When one is Driving to the park from North of San Diego start on I-5 heading South. Take the B Street/Pershing exit off I-5 to Pershing Street. Take Pershing and then left on Florida Dr. Turn left on Zoo Place to Park Blvd. Left on Park Blvd.

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Last modified: 04/28/05