GEOG 484 

Introduction to Geographic Information Systems/ Science

(Spring 2013)

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Instructor Syllabus Lecture Handouts Help Related Links

Instructor:    Dr. Ming-Hsiang Tsou


This course is designed to demonstrate interdisciplinary features in Geographic Information Systems (GISystems), which involves geography, cartography, computer science, GPS, and remote sensing.  The lectures and lab exercises will provide an introductory knowledge of GIScience and a balance among spatial analysis theory, computer technology, and GISystems techniques. Students will learn how to get spatial data into the computer, to organize data so that spatial patterns can be explored, and to learn basic GIS concepts such as query and map overlay.  In addition to the basic training of GIS software and techniques, this class will enable students to:

1.     Communicate with GIS professionals regarding both theoretical and technical issues.

2.     Work in groups to conduct GIS projects, which reflects current GIS industry tasks.

3.     Have critical thinking capability, exanimate various geography problems by using GIS tools.

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Facebook:  Geospatial Technology at SDSU


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Last updated: January 20, 2013.